Letter from a disappointed customer of Ice Vests from Adam Paulin

Letter from a disappointed customer of Ice Vests from Adam Paulin

It is hard to fathom the lows to which one can descend when purely looking out for number one. I just got this letter from S., a ‘customer’ of Adam Paulin, who was thinking of getting an ice vest for his quadriplegic father in law, as an alternative for vests with real ice packs. So he asked Adam through Indiegogo wether Thin Ice vests might be a solution for cooling down the paralysed senior. This is what S. wrote to me (I redacted his name for privacy).

“Did you ever receive photos of the finished vests? I ask because i did receive the finished product. Quite underwhelming. I am including an early exchange i had with Adam, as my purpose for the vest was not weight loss, but body cooling for a quadriplegic (my father in law). The final product with a giant fan in the middle of the back made this impossible…!

I was happy to find your website,
with kind regards,
So S. asked Adam wether the sleek Thin Ice vest might be a good solution, and Adam said ‘Yeah, sure’ even though the vest was not going to be sleek, would have a fan in the back (useless for a person lying down or sitting in a chair, as quadriplegics usually do). So S. bought the vest for his father in law, spending a lot fo money for nothing. But I guess the most painful part was that he wanted to help, and wound up getting conned.

Yes, S. if you have pictures, I’d be glad to add them to this story.

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