This site is written by a very unhappy Dutch Thin Ice Weight-Loss backer living in France. I have initiated this site all by myself and am the only one responsible for its content. I have found the information on this site using open sources, like the comments on the Thin Ice Indiegogo page, the different Adam Paulin websites, LinkedIn and other public websites.
I have consulted no-one in creating the content on this site, and neither am I someones mouthpiece or spokesperson. I simply feel cheated by Adam Paulin and I’ve learned that I am not alone. My only motivation for creating this site is frustration stemming from the unwillingness of Adam Paulin to admit the utter failure of his product due to a complete lack of investment of money and energy in the development of said product. When a heartless bastard pisses me off like Adam Paulin did, I vent my frustration using the internet and my SEO-skills. Deal with it.